London Solo
As mentioned earlier... We didn't really stay as a group for the trip. First there was 4, then 5, then 3, then 2... then for Nottingham it was 3 again (Ju, YW and myself). After coming back from Nottingham, I thought I wanted to see more attractions while Ju and YW wanted a good chinese lunch. Well, I'd love that too but I didn't have any pounds left so... We parted ways and I went solo to the follow destinations! First up is Wellington Arch. Err... Nice hor? Well I didn't know why I went there. It was a nice icon on the map and I thought, alright... Maybe I'll just... go... take a look?
St Paul's cathedral is a definite must go! This 17th century building was stunning! I went in and took a photo, before seeing the "no photography allowed" card. Well, I didn't know so... it wasn't me fault! Look at the tall columns supporting the naves! The entrance fees was too expensive, even for students. Remembering that I didn't have a penny on me, next stop... Millenium Dome!
Renzo Piano's Millenium Dome. Closed! For renovations. Peng told us that since we intended to go earlier on, but left it out cuz we thought it was closed... Well I thought I'd still love to catch a glimpse of it fro the exterior...