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Riding on Red Bricks

A blog by a Singaporean architecture student which began during his exchange in Delft, Netherlands but continued upon returning...


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  • Quotes

    "The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', which means many, and 'ticks', which are blood sucking parasites."

    "Architecture critics are like eunuchs... They know, but they cannot."

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    London 3

    For this London trip, we didn't stay as a group all the time. Of course, when we arrived there were four of us. Then Ju's friend Youwen joined us, so there were 5. Then we split up to 3-2 cuz Ju and YW went to meet their friends. Today, Craig went to meet his friend living in London so that leaves the 2 of us. We checked into the penthouse of 196 Bishopsgate service apartments, rented to us free of charge by Peng. Sigh... Thanks for your generosity!! We checked in and went straight to Spitalsfield where the shopaholic went err.... on a shopping spree!

    More Norman Foster's works, 30 St Mary's Ax, the Swiss Re building, called the "gherkin" by locals because of its shape. Opposite it stands Richard Roger's Lloyd's of London building, which reminds me of centre Pompidou... Hoho...

    The famous London Eye (soon to be copied by Singapore) and Big Ben, which we passed by on our way to Westminster's abbey, which was closed on Sunday. Darn! The poppy flower is in remembrance of the British ex-servicemen who served in the world war. We donated and pinned ours to our jacket!

    Buckingham Palace, with the Victoria Memoria standing in the centre of the public square before it. Great open space where crowds of locals and tourists alike linger and chill out!

    Then we checked out the V&A Musuem, where there was a photography exhibition and a da Vinci gallery showing the originals of his sketches (on human anatomy, geometry, inventions, etc). Not very worth the time and money imo... haha. Below is the natural history museum which we walked by but didn't enter. To see what's inside, you must visit Ju's blog!

    As the final leg of today's initerary, 2 of us made a stop at Trafalgar square where Nelson's column stands. Like all other public spaces in London, it's just nice to be in and spend your time looking at people and all... The pic above was taken with my camera balancing on the round tip of a circular balastrade. Pretty good~

    Here you see our favourite pastime at night. It was basically a television quiz show which makes money by asking seemingly simple questions and get the public to call in, hoping they will win the 5000-20000 pounds cash price. We even made a mock model for the 2nd night's question! A damn bloody waste of time, but we just needed to know the answer. The host was this gay faggot who keeps going "oh my god, people are guessing. You don't have to guess! The answer is on the screen"... Yea right.

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