Our Registration of Marriage...
Dear friends, Chet and I got married on 22nd February 2009. The ceremony was held at Keppel Club, with a lunch reception at Peony Jade. It was a small affair. We would like to thank our family and friends who managed to share the occassion with us. Though there were alot of other friends that we would've loved to be present, we're sorry that we were unable to invite everyone... We'll definitely invite you guys for the customary wedding lunch / dinner, probably some time next year. Anyhowz, enjoy the pics!!!Chet's dress, accessories and my blazer were rented from Bridal Closet. We would like to thank Elsie for her valuable help and advise. Our make-up artist is Tin, whom we are also grateful for. See how she miraculously made my pimple disappear!!!
Look at how gleeful Chet is. I know... it can't help much... but it helped.
Where the ROM ceremony was held. We liked the sea view at the location...
Our buay-song faces... over dunno what!?
The Khos...
The Chuahs...
One big happy family~!!!
Chet's housemates, Tzehoong and Jo.
...and with their other halves Dongmei and Tianwei!
Our pro photographer and friend, Ervine Lin.
Us with Chet's younger siblings Ney, Hong Choon (aka 钟镇涛, my mom thinks so) and Hong Guan...
Chet's parents.
My parents.
My elder siblings Minzhi and Kewei...
Our close friends since JC, Kenny and Kangwei.
Our close friends from Hall (and army), Aaron and Linghan.
...jhee pro~!
... we find this shot super the 70s... or is it 60s...?
The kick~!
My aki gang... Sara, Zhengmei, Yisu, Matthew, Yonghui, Chiawmeng, Yongqi~!!!
... colleague Sara...
钟镇涛 again ;)
帅 !!!
Check out Chet's calla lilies, all the way from Bedok 85! Thanks Mrs Teo!
Setting up the pavilion...
Our rings from Love & Co.
Our Solemnizer, Mr Jude Yeo. Thanks for your wise words... We shall forever remember your advise imparted to us in Serangoon Garden McDonalds ;)
... and our marriage is sealed!
Chet, the control freak.
Chet's friends from lab, Lishan, Guobao, Wanhui, Yibing, Howwing, Wang Hong.
Howwing, Chet's beloved friend and classmate since sec 1!!!
Hall friends Jingyi, Zuchuan.
... and we shall now live happily ever after!!!
March 08, 2009 10:22 PM
wow that's so lovely! another friend got married, we are becoming old le... all the best! top
March 09, 2009 3:19 AM
congrats to you both. Here's wishing you a lifetime of bliss. :) top