I haven't really encountered anything really interesting in the few days that have passed. Well, school's began and I'm busy so... maybe it is a good thing; it's about time I got my mind thinking about architecture again...
I might not have encountered anything interesting, but I certainly encountered some weird stuff! To begin, when I was parking my bike at night in front of my block, I saw a large shadow crawling on the floor. My initial thought was: OMG! It's a rodent! Then I observed it and thought it was a big too big to be a rat... On closer inspection, I realized it was a hedgehog! Kewl! Too bad I didn't take out my camera in time before the 30cm ball of spikes scurried into the bushes!
Then I tried to do my laundry. Yes, after much procrastination, I have finally ran out of clothes. The washing machine and dryer are supposed to be pay-per-use, but apparently the paying machine hasn't been installed yet, so as of now it is free. Check out the laundry room photo below:
While I did not encounter any weirdness in the laundry room, I was the object of weirdness to one of my neighbours who I do not know by name (probably lives on other floors). The dryer buttons are labelled in dutch (well, I expected that, which was why I brought my digital camera in the first place; so I can refer to the digital photo and translate it online)... So while I was taking the second shot above... a guy came in! I turned and from his expression I read: what's this Ching boi doing here with a camera at 12 midnight, taking a photo of other people's laundry? Sigh... I couldn't bother to explain myself... I said hi and left... Sorry to all Chinees (Dutch peeps spell 'Chinese' this way) people, I've lost face for u all...
Another weird encounter is actually something that I have to face everyday. My toiletbowl. To cut the long story short, I drew a sectional sketch of the water chamber (I am weird!)... Pls see below:
The funny thing about this toilet bowl is that it has a shallow reservoir that collects what ever you "discharge"... This might not appear to be so much of a problem... But as you are going to discover as I elaborate further, complications might occur. So, when you pee...

...this is what you will see. It is as if the toilet bowl is designed so that you can either inspect / collect what is discharged...! For clinical tests...? Maybe they are all 2nd hand toilet bowls from an old hospital or something... Well if you think this isn't something to make a fuss about... imagine this...

... sigh... solid excreta gets stuck there too... The flush, unfortunately, might not be strong enough to push all da crap down the hole (depends on health of "pooper" and amount of dump unloaded). I have devised a method to do a clean business no matter what senario is presented... But I'll spare my dear readers the thought.
September 16, 2006 8:20 AM
oh my gosh.. grossss.. haha i know what u can do.. just line the bottom of the bowl with toilet paper.. then when the shit lands on it, it can be easily flushed away!! top
September 16, 2006 9:23 AM
wtf... i can't believe u drew a section of your toilet bowl... top
September 16, 2006 11:59 PM
how how how!!?! tell us what the method is! don't keep us in suspense! makes us imagine the worst scenarios... top
September 17, 2006 7:38 AM
ARgh. So funny! =D
I like the section drawings!! =) iS that scanned or from a wacom tablet?
Hehe, I'm so glad to be in an English speaking country. Haha. top
September 17, 2006 3:34 PM
I can't believe u went to draw a section... WTFF... top
September 17, 2006 3:47 PM
Wah... Cheryl is so smart!!! top
September 17, 2006 3:55 PM
wahahaha!!! u mean that's exactly what u do?? haahahah!!!! top
September 18, 2006 12:56 AM
Ka Pui! Hermpf! It's pathetic... sigh. All those living in houses with proper w.c. should be really thankful... top
September 22, 2006 3:51 PM
yoyo! nice section! i din noe toilet bowl section looks like that. -.-''' looks like you are enjoying life~ top