How to make an Shuriken?
So like my latest MSN nick describes, this week was hell week, with a triple hurdle. The first was the AR5422 test on Tuesday, the second was the AR5422 group written assignment and presentation today, and the third... well, it's so obvious I don't have to speak IT.
Anyway, so it was quite enjoyable to put IT aside and just, you know, concentrate on another module for two days. Since I didn't manage to catch much sleep last night, I hit the sacks right after our 'celebratory' lunch after the presentation. During lunch however, we talked about alot of things. The unimportant stuff interested me alot as usual.
Since yesterday YQ has been mentioning (amongst other things like calling me "Piggy 光". Well... long story. Wait actually it's short. He just woke up one day, thought of the phrase 扮猪吃老虎, and voila~ I am labeled "Piggy 光"! No offence taken lah, all in good fun...). Anyway he was talking about how if he were to start drawing a comic / anime, what are the cultural anchors that he can base himself on in Singapore? Kiasu-ism? Anti-heroism? The Heartland?
Well, all these aren't really that important. Anyway I took my nap just a couple of hours ago and woke up, and began wondering what we can do in life. I mean, it doesn't necessarily be architecture. There are so many other professions, some that might really interest you! So what are the other things that we can consider doing in life? Well, we can make a Shuriken!
All was fun making an origami Shuriken out of paper... Don't ask me why this sudden randomness in choice of activity, when IT is this twisted shadow lurking behind my back. But as I was folding my Shuriken out of 2 A4 sheets taken from out of the waste paper basket, I had some thoughts...
1. You can be the one folding the Shuriken.
2. You can be the one who cadded the Shuriken on this instruction sheet circulated for free on the Internet.
3. You can be the one who 1st thought of how to fold a Shuriken out of paper for the enjoyment of other people!
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Oh and also that A4 papers are quite the ideal size but you need one that is thinner for ease of folding...
K back to IT.
March 20, 2008 11:23 AM
Now i can make my own shuriken!... Reaching the end of IT doiddy dawg! top