Well, waddaya know...?
Been reading Civil War TPB on and off, again and again when I got nothing interesting to read, just flip it and look at the pics... you know. Anywayz, it was quite a sad thing that they killed off Steve Rogers. Anyhowz, he's not gonna stay dead (it IS the comics...). Apparently he's going to make a come back soon (it is almost a year after his death!!!). So... Seeing is believing, check out the cover of #39 taken from Marvel.com...
"You know Bucky, I'm okay with you carrying my mantle, but for goodness sakes drop that gun? You've already got a boomerang-ish shield, and besides, the gun stands against everything I've stood for!"
Okay, lame caption... I hope I didn't spoil it for you that the new Cap's identity is Bucky aka Winter Soldier... I like to assume I'm the most outdated when it comes to Marvel stuff ;)Anyway I was having fun taking some shots of these two good buddies. I'm not sure I blame Tony Stark for his death, but he did orchestrate certain events (like Civil War) that led to it. Tough position to be in I guess. Was trying out how to fake a pool of blood under Cap. Not as gory as Sweeny T's but a more subtle approach. Below's Deadpool being chased~! Already orange overlay him but he still stands out too much... He shd be more orange under the streetlamp -.-" Lazy to edit... Maybe later.