My Collection Updates...
Wow... My collection got pimped by a fellow local collector whose toy blog I visit regularly! But... but... but... as the chinese saying goes, really 担当不起... Think only say... 20% of Singapore collectors share their collections on blogs, there are alot of 卧虎藏龙 around. People like Chee Wee~!
But since we're on the topic, an update on my room... Heh... So this is a stitch of my room... never really take the photos properly so, end up with an untidy stitch. Basically I wake up will see my collection. That is if my mind is not too blurry thinking about design overnight (but I seldom do that now). I'm a Starwars fan at heart, but what can I say...? Only got a cool dark looking poster. Probably won't ever start buying SW toys lah, don't worry :)
The cabinet has some in-built lights... I got post before so needs no introduction. This one is just a minor update. Basically less Transformers (all the Galaxy Force stuff are either kept away or liquidated. Now's a good time to sell TFs, not buy, and I'm thankful I didn't like the movie toy designs...), more Gundams (ask Rickass, my brother, why he refuses to buy a Detolf to put in his own room for the new Gs he is buying... I really need that space for my action figures), and more action figures (practically stopped buying Marvel stuff, looking into DC ones... Mattel's DCUC and Marvel Toy's LCBH proves to be alot more promising than Hasbro's Marvel Legends IMO).
The first 2 columns are dedicated to Transformers. Mainly Generation 1, Binaltechs and Masterpieces... The third column is for action figures...
Below: My bed and work desk... A fellow forumer commented that my bed isn't fantastic. Well, that's true. But it's as old as the house (that's nearly 2 decades), and I like my super-single alot. Very durable too, but it's not like I treat it like a trampolin lah -.-"
January 10, 2008 3:04 PM
Have updated my post with your latest photos. I would like to check out Chee Wee's collection online if possible. top
January 13, 2008 10:10 AM
study lar.. still play with toys.. :P top
June 18, 2010 8:41 AM
My name is Nina and I am a Year 1 student undergoing a Media Studies course in NYP. Currently, I'm doing an assignment about unique hobbies. I am amazed by your toy collections and hope that you would lend a hand in this assignment. My assignment is simply to do a feature story about someone with a unique hobby. I will ask questions and also capture some shots of the toys you have collected.
I would like to know your answer soon. Thank you for taking your time to read this email :-) top