Display Cabinet Up!!!
Oh, for those going back to reservist, pls don't bring camera phones. If you do, you have only 2 choices. 1 is to smuggle it in, and 2 is to surrender at in-process counter, where it will be confiscated for the whole duration of your in-camp.
Lucky for us, Saturday's half day training was pushed to Friday evening so we could book out early on Friday. Gave Chet a surprise at her house, and saw her off for her Life Science convention in Vancouver. So shiokz, go travel... Sigh, I'm so rone-ry~
So the display cabinet is finally up! It was completed before I went for reservist, but it took me awhile to move in my toys... Pardon the pics, I don't really know how to use my brother's digicam, as advance as it is... and my trusty Olympus is with Chet... Still, a quick run-down of what is present; mainly Transformers and Marvel Legends action figures.
Those interested are welcome to my house to play. Bet apart from hall friends most of you dunno I am into these collectibles. Nostalgic siah, especially with the TF movie hitting the box office. So check them out, mostly Generation 1 stuff, which is totally old school.
The cabinet... in the corner of my room, right at the foot of my bed. 1st thing I see when I wake up! I contacted several cabinet makers, and at least 4 of them rejected my designs, saying that the glass is either too big, or that they have an issue with the frameless glass corner. Thankfully my stubbornness paid off, as I managed to convince the last carpenter that it was possible... Can you imagine if that side was not glass / glass with frame? It'll look very heavy I feel. So... lucky lah, things went my way... Quite like the final product with all the toys in it, but it seems very full... might need an additional Detolf from Ikea soon...
G1 Scorponok, G1 Black Zarak, G1 Overlord, G1 Darkwing & Dreadwind, G1 Fangry, G1 Double Dealer, Diaclone red-legged Browning, G1 Galvatron, G1 Horri-bull, G1 Cancer
Pictured here are them Headmasters and Powermasters, meaning they have human counterparts that puts on a suit, enabling them to either transform into a head, or an engine. Also featuring Browning, my favourite gun from Masterforce. Too bad I only managed to get the red legged one, when the one in the animation is actually blue legged... Heh, few would know what I'm murmuring about I guess... moving on!
KO G1 Orange Devastator, G1 Bruticus, G1 Predaking, G1 Abonimus, G1 Devastator, KO G1 Dinoking
Here are some gestalts from Generation 1. A gestalt is otherwise known as a combiner. Don't need to explain further right? These guys are every TF fan's favourites! They are also pictured below, together with some Pretenders... These sub-faction appeared in Masterforce as well, the toy basically has a robot inside a monster shell that can be split into 2 parts in order to house the robot. Quite nice :)
G1 Menasor, G1 Sixshot, G1 King Poseidon, KO G1 Liokaiser, G1 Shockwave, G1 Taurus, G1 Blood, G1 Gilmer
G1 Grand Max, G1 Omega Supreme, Classics Jetfire, G1 Metroplex, G1 Skylynx, Movie Bumblebee Camaro '08
Grand Maximus. The biggest TF toy every manufactured. Commands a hefty price too... Most would remember his other version called Fortress Maximus, which is blue and grey and white in colour. I prefer Grand Max cause he has more accessories. Skylynx and Omega Supreme are also amongst my favourites, cause they walk & roll, no kidding. They don't just walk or just roll, they do both! Seeing is believing... I was very much impressed by 80s toys when I acquired these 2 gems.
G1 God Ginrai, Masterpiece Convoy, Masterpiece Starscream, Masterpiece Megatron, G1 Dezaras, G1 New Year Convoy, G1 Megatron, Titanium WW Prime, G1 Pounce & Wingspan
What's on this shelf is actually the leaders, Optimus Prime (known as Convoy in japanese) and Megatron. Very wicked cool stuff... Pounce and Wingspan are the clones, which are identical in robot form but transforms into different alternate forms (a falcon and a panther).

G1 Trypticon, Armada Unicron, GF Primus, Superlink Commandjaguar, Superlink Shadowhawk, RID Destructicon Scourge, RID Scourge, Energon Insecticon, Energon Cruellock, GF Nitroconvoy, GF Red Excellion, Superlink Megazarak
Here comes the planets! Unicron, from TF movie (not the real life one released recently, but the animated one from early 90s I think...), and Primus (planet Cybertron transformed). The nice dino is Trypticon, the Decepticon base that always fights with Metroplex, the white Autobots base found in an earlier picture above.
G1 Astrotrain, G1 Soundblaster, G1 Dirge, G1 Thundercracker, G1 Starscream, G1 Ravage Ratbat (KO) Frenzy (KO) Rumble (KO) Buzzsaw, G1 Insecticons, Beastwars II Black Big Convoy, G1 Twincast & Flipside, G1 Perceptor, Energon Arcee, G1 Hot Rod, KO G1 Super Ginrai (mini), G1 Sharkticon, KO G1 Swoop, KT Figures
Soundblaster is actually the black repaint of Soundwave as Twincast is the blue repaint of Blaster. As the story goes, Soundwave fought Blaster in japanese headmasters series, and killed each other. They were both revived in the series, and adopted new colour schemes. The toys, however, can hold an additional cassette (from the usual single cassette slot). Quite cool lah :)

BTA Alert, Alternator, Skids, BT Laserwave, Alternator Nemesis Prime, BT Swindle, BT Ravage, BT Dead End, Alternator MeisterGF Moledive, GF Sonic Convoy, GF Live Convoy, GF Galvatron, GF Flame Convoy, GF Soundwave, GF Starscream, GF Override GTS, GF Nemesis Breaker, GF Saidos
Finally pictured here are the action figures... Heroes and villians from the Marvel Universe, mostly 6" scale. Followed by Gundams. My brother has started on Gundam collecting recently too...! Nice...
That's all for the introduction to my Transformers collection. Obviously I was very distracted the past weeks over this new cabinet... Time to get back to dissertation writing... Which kinda sucks. Lacking the motivation to write too, and Chet's being away ain't helping... Super sianz these days... Grrr...
August 03, 2007 12:40 PM
wah!!!! that's several thousand k worth of goodies in there! hoohoo.. u need more space for your toys in the future!
i think by then u'll be married and have your own toy exhibition room. hahaha.
hmm how does the frameless glass thing work? the glass is structural too? top
August 03, 2007 2:16 PM
No lah haha... I wish i have the money to get structural glass. These are the cheapest normal 5mm glass in the market, not even tempered.
It works such that the cabinet above the display is top-hung, so don't need any support from the middle portion. top
August 04, 2007 6:17 PM
ooo hahah i see :P
i just thought cupboards are normally kiap-ed beside the wall with silicon covering the gaps. cos i never really trust nails to hold the concrete and cupboard together...hurhur.. top
September 12, 2007 9:17 AM
hello!~ haha.. i have to say it looks really nice! it totally looks weightless! hur hur... top
September 18, 2007 12:24 PM
your display rocks dude! top
January 10, 2008 9:36 AM
kg, plugged your collection here. top
April 09, 2008 4:23 AM
If you are interested in letting that KO G1 Liokaiser go email me Solscud@gmail.com top
May 07, 2008 12:50 PM
nice display~!! coolness top
May 18, 2008 6:40 AM
Nice display dude! All glass cabinet, thats a tough one my friend. Congrats on the construction.
Oh btw, Armand here. I was just wondering if I can link your blog to mine? Thanks dude! top
May 22, 2008 8:09 AM
gosh, thats my ideal cabinet. can ask how much? also the glass shelves held by what brackets? can have close up?
i think i have abou the same amount of toys but mostly in boxes. those out free are 1/3 of yours... top
August 11, 2008 6:08 AM
dude!! I am so jealous of your display!!! But, man do I love looking at it. It's like Transformers heaven. You must be proud of the outcome. I only have two curios with Transformers and mcfarlene stuff. I need more. Anyway, Really nice Transformers u got there. I have most of the Big ones u got. One that I think you might want to check out is takotank. He's the Japanese Beastwars octopus. top
August 11, 2008 7:42 AM
Thanks for your compliments. I'm ashamed to say though that I didn't earn that money to build it :S As for Takotank, neh... My Beastwars stuff are very selective. Passion for TFs are dwindling too (not much classics or animated stuff), more into action figures~! top
June 13, 2009 3:36 AM
This is what I always wanted to do with my collection. I just need the cabinets and I could probably hack my Ikea Deltof (I have 4).
I would have a lot of wife-convincing to do this. A whole lot. top
November 08, 2009 12:59 PM
Hi... Nice collection... Was wondering where you got ur cabinet from top
August 22, 2011 7:38 AM
Your display cabinet is a fantastic piece of art!! top
January 12, 2012 11:25 AM
Good collection of toys to display and you choose a right design and pattern of display cabinet perfect.
I think display cabinet is the perfect choice while you have to put your collection and want to display it.
-Display cabinet top