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Riding on Red Bricks

A blog by a Singaporean architecture student which began during his exchange in Delft, Netherlands but continued upon returning...


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    "The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', which means many, and 'ticks', which are blood sucking parasites."

    "Architecture critics are like eunuchs... They know, but they cannot."

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    Almost everyone I know who's watched Transformers in the cinemas liked it. In departmental stores, all the bumblebees and all the optimus primes have been bought. The later version of Bumblebee (Camero '08) is particularly hot. Stocks didn't even make it onto the shelves because people have already reserved via phone before they even arrived. Many scalpers are doing the same, buying 10 pieces (or more) at one go, to sell them on Yahoo Auction at extortionist prices. Desperate fans would of course buy from them.

    Not particularly interested in movie toys, haven't bought any one of them. But this upcoming Ultimate Bumblebee is something worth looking out for. Measures more than 30cm in height (bot mode) and its super detailed and movie accurate. I hope to get it cheap when it comes in September. Scalpers can try buying 10 of these at one go (one would cost slightly more than $100). Hermpf! Creeps that'll burn in hell.

    Hasbro bought over license to produce Marvel 6" figures, while Toybiz (the former manufacturer of Marvel Legends) has moved on to Legendary Comic Book Heroes. Check out their Pitt BAF (pics courtesy of Marvellegends.net... more
    here. It's insane, the paint, the articulation, the sculpt. In one word, perfect!!!

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