Taken one morning when we woke up earlier than usual to work. The view of this 0626hrs sunrise, from the living room, was probably the most rewarding part of a motivated-to-work but sleep-deprived Friday...

Some photos taken when it was raining one night... Colour of the sky seemed most peculiar...

The windows looked like a wide screen TV flanked by speakers, complete with the antenna formed by the ceiling lights... I remembered the wind felt great too, but I had to close the windows cuz tiny little rain droplets began to come in. Below: a photograph taken near Cineleisure, hanging out with aki guys after work on Friday (so rare!)
Apparently alot of Chet's friends who've visited the house or seen photographs of the kitchen made similar remarks such as "Wow nice kitchen! But bet you're not going to use the kitchen very often!" or "Love the red, but how often will you cook?"
So... In order to prove that the kitchen is, indeed, being utilized, we make it a point to take photographs of us cooking, and also the delicious mouth-watering meals that we managed to churn out. Very simple stuff lah... but rather tasty... not too shabby... nice and filling... edible.

We cooked spagetti~! Or rather, Angel's Hair. Err... with Prego sauce and Ayam Brand Tomato Chilli Tuna. I think we threw in some meat balls as well... Pork and Chicken!

One of the more major cooking session we did. From starting preparation to completion of dish washing, we spent 3-4hrs in total -.-" For this meal we had boiled vege with fried garlic and oyster sauce (winner!), curry chicken (don't be too impressed, we bought the paste), fragrant rice (chey~~~) and ABC soup (very nice too... Chet's specialty!)
We cooked some fried rice with the left over ingredients from the major cooking done the day before. Also had some left over soup and curry.

We also made simple sandwich fills like egg mayo and chicken mayo...