AoA Sunfire
Only just realize that I'm part of the Singapore Toy Collections Online, and happy to be of course. Then again this isn't exactly a toy blog cuz I do complain a fair bit about life here... In any case, I'm a toy collector and will be posting pics here lah... Readers can just skip all the irrelevant ramblings and go for the pics :)
A recent purchase is AoA Sunfire. Read a short write-up, and some comments on the pics / figure / where to get him here, or see more digiramas that I (and my contacts) have made here (people should really look at the photos that some of my contacts have been taking... they're really good).
W/o further ado, the pics~!
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not really a fan of the art (the drawing style) of Marvel's Age of Apocalypse (AoA) series, but I do like the character designs alot. For the last pic the idea was really to evoke a setting in Japan (hence the Japanese castle), which is where Sunfire originates. Magneto's trying to persuade him to join the good fight against Apocalypse. In AoA, Magneto's actually a good guy (who discovered he could do Rogue... okay OOT), following Xavier's death...
Anyhowz, for my next digirama I am trying to create a war scene in the desert... Went to some free online stock photography sites to "shop" around for backgrounds and came across a few... While googling I came across a Hellboy 2 poster and thought Dang! It is really nice and dark and gloomy in the way that showcases an anti-hero really well... (The Architect is random but never admits to it, he always says there is certain logic to explain certain concepts and refers to certain precedents. I love denial, is bliss...).
So I kept some of my desert warfare ideas and began composing the background. Some dark skies (composed from 3 sky photos), some smoke in the back (from a pic of 911 incident), and sand from Iraq and Krabi (taken by yours truly) and after much trial and error, came up with the pic below. Been playing around with foreground focused, background blurred (Gaussian, if you must know) alot lately... Trying to play more with colour schemes now also.
Which toy I'm going to put there...? Well, you've got to wait and see. I enjoy doing these pics and always try to conceptualize certain backgrounds / scenes that will suit the toy (most of the time after buying them online on eBay but before they arrive at my house, to kill time perhaps...?). This figure is actually quite hard to come by and I do think I got 'im at quite a steal...