Krabi~ Tuesday, January 15, 2008 |
And so we went to Krabi some time during the holidays for a well deserved break. The weather there was great. Only showers usually during evening. We had a wonderful time there... Basically spent 2 days at Ao Nang, 2 days at Phi Phi Island, 1 day at Krabi Town (which, we think shd be omited cuz there is nothing there~! Shd've stayed at Ao Nang longer).
Long tail boats...! Quite a common means of transportation in Krabi. Bargain with the owner, then hop on and he'll bring you to most destinations nearby...
On the 1st day we went on a canoeing trip. Equipment and lunch all within the package. Lunch was great man, but the expedition was better! The trip consisted only of 3 canoes (2 of us on one, an American uncle, and the guide of course). We saw caves, more caves, and a lagoon. Super nice~! Sigh... Missing that place already.
Also spent quite some time sun-tanning on the beach. Hotel provided beach mats and towels. Awesome. Just lie down there, enjoy the breeze... then... fall asleep... SHIOKZ!!! After that we went for dinner and shopping in Ao Nang (check out Chet's new dress that we bought there).
The next day (Day 3) was transfer by ferry to Phi Phi Island. Quite a crowded ferry no place to sit inside, so we just stood on the open deck and enjoyed the breeze and surrounding scenary.
After arriving at Phi Phi we checked in and immediately went on our 1st snorkelling trip :) The waters were super darn clear. Never see corals in the open waters before. Also had to figure out how to use the snorkelling equipment... :P
This here's our private Long Tail boat that we hired just to take us to destinations for snorkelling (on Day 4 as well, we managed to find the same operator to take us).

Unique Creations :) Sunday, January 13, 2008 |
And so Rickass finished his most recent Gundam: 1/100 MG Hyaku Shiki. It's mighty nice, especially with this particular gold (Tamiya gold spray). The packaged plastic kit came in an orangy-yellow. Check out the finished product man... This is the way it shd be done!
Batman ain't no unique creation, but, I thought he's quite photogenic. Don't have many Bats in my collection (this is the 2nd 6" Batman for me...), but I think this is one of the must-haves for all the various renditions of this superb comic character (my favourite from DC). He's DCSH Series 3 Batman (comes with 7 batarangs~!).
Now this here is a unique creation. I was starring at the Human Torch from the recent FFML release by Hasbro and immediately I thought of trimming his hair. After trimming I realized i might've overdone it a bit on his top, which became too flat. So to keep his Armani spiky, I stuck back some of the fallen pieces (carefully cut into triangular shapes and strategically placed so that they look like gel-ed hair). Then... using the same spray my brother used for his Hyaku Shiki MG, I sprayed Johnny Storm's new armani to a bling~! Now he's officially called Super Saiyan Johnny Storm~!!! Didn't take a pic of his original look, but if you are interested you can check him out here. Below are some misc shots of how he looks with Marvel's Favourite Family!
My Collection Updates... Thursday, January 10, 2008 |
Wow... My collection got pimped by a fellow local collector whose toy blog I visit regularly! But... but... but... as the chinese saying goes, really 担当不起... Think only say... 20% of Singapore collectors share their collections on blogs, there are alot of 卧虎藏龙 around. People like Chee Wee~!
But since we're on the topic, an update on my room... Heh... So this is a stitch of my room... never really take the photos properly so, end up with an untidy stitch. Basically I wake up will see my collection. That is if my mind is not too blurry thinking about design overnight (but I seldom do that now). I'm a Starwars fan at heart, but what can I say...? Only got a cool dark looking poster. Probably won't ever start buying SW toys lah, don't worry :)
The cabinet has some in-built lights... I got post before so needs no introduction. This one is just a minor update. Basically less Transformers (all the Galaxy Force stuff are either kept away or liquidated. Now's a good time to sell TFs, not buy, and I'm thankful I didn't like the movie toy designs...), more Gundams (ask Rickass, my brother, why he refuses to buy a Detolf to put in his own room for the new Gs he is buying... I really need that space for my action figures), and more action figures (practically stopped buying Marvel stuff, looking into DC ones... Mattel's DCUC and Marvel Toy's LCBH proves to be alot more promising than Hasbro's Marvel Legends IMO).
The first 2 columns are dedicated to Transformers. Mainly Generation 1, Binaltechs and Masterpieces... The third column is for action figures...
Below: My bed and work desk... A fellow forumer commented that my bed isn't fantastic. Well, that's true. But it's as old as the house (that's nearly 2 decades), and I like my super-single alot. Very durable too, but it's not like I treat it like a trampolin lah -.-"