Probably forgot to mention that for V-day this year, Chet bought us a digicam, the Canon Ixus 860... It is a wonderful point and shoot camera with wide lense and limited manual functions which I find pretty useful and interesting to use. Because the office camera is usually borrowed by someone, this new gadget is permanently in my Crumpler that I carry to work (and essentially everywhere else). As such, besides site photos, I can always take high resolution images of the random trivial stuff we do everyday, such as this photo I took while we were waiting for the bus to arrive at Suntec. I think this was the day when we tried to squeeze into the crowd of the recent Comex, where Chet bought her Maxtor "black brick" of a 500GB external HD ($89 only!). I wanted to get a 320GB mini (at $109) but it was sold out (but I got it later at Sim Lim).
I thought it was quite interesting. The SMRT bus was just zooming by when I was focusing on Times Square, and you can see the signage and facade lighting penetrating the bus. Click to view larger. Haha, cheap thrills.

Who knew mango mixed with green tea could give a pretty tasty blend...? That caved-in pie is actually a warm chocolate cake, or something like that.

Random shots of the office's conference room. The building structure is really ahead of its time, and quite a timeless masterpiece. Still like the twisted concrete fins alot. It serves as an object of interest when I stare out of the window sometimes (...or most of the time?). Below, taken when I had the opportunity to visit an old project done by the office.

More gadgets. In a bid to keep their loyal customers and prevent them from switching service providers, Starhub sent me a $100 voucher to upgrade my handset, seeing that there is number retention now and my contract is coming to an end. With the voucher I bought a cheap I-phone-sque phone, called the LG KP500 Cookie. Of the 6 colours available (2 not sold in Singapore) I chose the black one. So boring right... Heh... It is a pretty light phone, fun with all its touch screen function, and most importantly, it was affordable (at $98 with plan... times are bad ah, must save money... buy flat... book hotel... sigh). So I didn't spend a cent to get it, just had to call almost 30 Starhub dealers islandwide (it's sold out in alot of places). The only thing I don't like about it is that it died after 2 days of usage, but it is probably because I left the vibration on and the kid in me is so fascinated by his 1st touchscreen gadget that I couldn't put it down.

More food? After quite a long queue we finally managed to go into Aston's at The Cathay (with "The", much like The Chinese High School!). We were given the choice to either dine outside in the open terrace, or wait longer in the queue. The experience is actually quite nice. We had a good view of the curtain wall that runs across the whole facade of The Cathay, with all its blinking LED lights, and also the up and coming SotA. What's more important is that the food is great. We find that it is much better than Botak Jones... Seen here is our order of Double-Up Chicken (BBQ and Grilled), and Fried Chicken & Sausage Combo... The sides are potato salad, fries, whipped potato and coleslaw... Wah, think about it now also hungry!!!

Just awhile ago we dropped by a place where we used to go for dinners in JC, at 6th Avenue. I'm not sure if people actually know this place but they sell pretty decent crispy prata and they're located opposite Guthrie House...? We ordered a Chicken Murtabak, 2 Kosong, 1 Egg, 2 Teh-Ping, and just paid $11 (with change). Sedap... Only remembered to take photo after finishing the food -.-"
Then of course, we walked over to the Guthrie House for Venezia. We were reminicising about doing all these (having dinner together, then walk over to share a cup of 3-flavoured ice-cream), which was a decade ago. Yes, JC was 10 years ago... Time flies... It used to be the 3-flavours cost $4.50. Now it is $5.70... It also used to be that policemen wore shorts.

What's a post without some toy pictures!? Bought some 12" goodness of some iconic Marvel characters, the X-men Nightcrawler, Phoenix and Colossus. Full review here. BTW, Hot Toys just released news that they are going to do a new Joker, or two (police costume and original costume). I hope the headsculpt is same or better than Bank Robber Joker's... Sigh, then again, where got money to buy such expensive toys...?

Ex-classmates and comrades in aki that went year-out are about to submit their Master thesis in a fortnight. Godspeed! Fingers crossed for a friend's interview on Tuesday...! But I'm pretty confident, on your behalf ;)