I refer to a guy friend of mine who showed double standards. He never sms me on my 1st day of work to wish me all the best, but did so for a common lady friend.
Tsk tsk tsk... Sigh...
Some recent updates... Shd be receiving my 1st pay soon!!! To celebrate this event I shall be placing order for a Hot Toys 12" Iron Man figure. I don't buy Hot Toys stuff, because most of the time they are more like dolls to me (hence I also didn't buy any Batman stuff though they look pretty good and I'm a Bat-fan). Iron Man is different because it is armour, there are no cloth parts on him, making him a very detailed action figure! See more of him here.
Also bought Wink from Hellboy II. Didn't catch the movie, but kinda like the figure...

Went down to site for the first time today. Quite interesting... Things looked smaller in real than on plans (okayz, maybe I am an inadequate architect who cannot perceive the space so well yet...). Still got so much to learn!
Back to the topic of "double standards", here's another panel that I put in alot more effort and squeezed more information in, since its competition entry (it felt like a PUNT... must squeeze all the info in cuz not there to explain to the judges!) Dunno why when uploaded the colours turn out like that. Nevertheless... Just handed in today... First, portrait for City-X, then landscape. Hope win grand prize!!!Oh ya, City-X this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Vivocity... Of course, some might say it is a waste of time. Didn't tell my parents also... wonder if they will be interested -.-" Heh...
Yup, that was me on the big screen. Was asked a few weeks ago if I would like to be interviewed as a pre-ceremony entertainment filler and I thought why not. Glad I did it, cuz then I can say Happy B'day to my special someone LIVE ON BIG SCREEN!! Muahahaha...!
*Disclaimer: Prior to the filming Gary the presenter was chit-chatting with me about what he will ask for the interview and found out that I stayed in SH. I did not want to talk about SH, cause I felt more attached to Blk A than the hall then and still do now. SH don't really exist, only Block A. :)
The ceremony was quite draggy... glad ah-matt made it faster by talking faster :) Less words, more pics!
I want to thank my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, my... dar dar...?

And the best tutor award goes to...
One of my best semesters in NUS...!
Didn't manage to take photo w/ YH cuz he rushed off to book-in. Nmind, still an honour to take with 大嫂!!!
Cheewee the man!
Cheryl the wo-man!
Jianxin the toy khaki!
Ziqi the entrepreneur and YY the most hardworking aki student in NUS!
A bunch of us...!?
A pair of us...! This is Mug-jiew!!! He is born into the world to do something big. Mark my words!
This is XZ, everybody's good friend!
TCHS threesome!
Heh... Nice :)
Good pal ah-huat!
Good pal WY :)
Good seniors QF & Justin!

~ The End ~
Hope you like my cheapo present made of styrofoam shapes, trial-and-error origami and 2mm bristol board. It reads "Love, Me". Like the song... our song :)
Night shot from Chet's flat, 12th storey high in Clementi. Always wanted to take it... but oh wellz, it didn't turn out too good -.-" Haha...

Okay...? Finally finished the City Exhibition panel... It's nothing much lah, cuz from "hmmm in order to fully convey the scheme's ideas I need image A, B, C, D..." the mentality became "hmmm image E seems to fit nicely here! and F here! and G here!" so... -.-" dunno if you know what I am trying to say. Can go and see the model though! YS, CM, ZM and my blood and sweat went into it. If you happen to pass by Vivo from 1-3 Aug that is... No point making a trip down just for it I guess.
Today is... the 10th day I am at work. It has been pretty relaxing, but the pace is picking up, and I'm certainly not worried that I won't be busy enough in time... Counting my blessings that I'm not thrown into a messy start, and as a senior in the firm advises me, "KG, why you stay so late (it was 1830hrs)... Go home early, while you still can...!"
I am blessed... Anyway, this is what I stare at everyday... Apparently the office building is an architectural feat. More on it once I find more info on it... Before that, just one internal shot, and a few new friends at office (my direct neighbours) :)

How I wish we had Photoshop CS2 instead of 7 -.-"
Posting some pictures that I took over the past few months... This post is about our visit to the Southern Ridges... It was shortly after Chet got her new phone, the Sony Ericsson W760. It is a pretty good phone, stunning camera. All the pics below are taken by it, so check it out.

Southern Ridges, SG's latest attraction for nature lovers. It was an enjoyable walk, I guess. We started at Alexandra Arch and ended at Vivo. Alot of sights to see. It even showered for a while and we had to seek shelter at 2 separate pavilions (shine, rain, shine, rain, shine <-- weather sequence). I wouldn't have went on the hike the other direction, cuz I think I would've dreaded the steps up Mount Faber (better to descend it towards the end, like we did). If you haven't been there, you should!