Evolution of Dance... Monday, May 26, 2008 |
I actually saw the Optimus Prime one first before the original human version. Impressed by both... Check 'em out man! Especially enjoyed the 2nd - 4th minute of the original...
A blog by a Singaporean architecture student which began during his exchange in Delft, Netherlands but continued upon returning...
"The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', which means many, and 'ticks', which are blood sucking parasites."
"Architecture critics are like eunuchs... They know, but they cannot."
I actually saw the Optimus Prime one first before the original human version. Impressed by both... Check 'em out man! Especially enjoyed the 2nd - 4th minute of the original...
It's... sometimes very irritating... when things spoil.
Yr 2 Sem 1... Received an e-mail asking me to collect my physical model. It was totally out of the blue, cuz... nobody else got that e-mail. Went to school, Katherine showed me to one of the seminar rooms where the models were stored. I dunno if you remember the "A Place of..." assignment where we were given a 6x6x18m grid.
Model was destroyed. "It was the careless movers."
Couple of days ago went back to school. Part of the facade dropped off. Reminded me of this incident 3 years ago. Super-glued it back.
Then... realized my Thesis Report was missing. Went to ask Wilson. "Dunno who also leh?"
A Thesis Report is an A4 binded report that costs $50+ to produce a copy.
Who's going to be accountable...? Materials cost money, printing cost money, binding cost money. No subsidy, just ask students for it. LIKE I OWE IT TO YOU! Yea, written in black and white, all property produced belongs to the school.
Then... act like you care?
Here's saying... If book can go missing, so can models and panels and every damn freaking thing... Sure like to give them a blank look when they ask me where they've gone and say "Dunno leh... who would take i wonder...?"
Took pics but not much... more on Redang in a later post I guess, akan datang.
Upon returning encountered some ups and downs (life... /shrugs). I guess this is one of those... how shall we put it... emotionally censored blogs? Those types where the deepest and personal thoughts don't get published, leaving most of the happy stuff only. Guess it is more convenient that way, won't offend people... and why would you want to know what flows through the deeper (and darker) parts of my mind, right? Of course u can get a peek when I rant... It is also a toy blog of course... Toys are some form of escapism (saw the word in someone's msn nick...) for me sometimes... from the reality. They are so simple, what's there is there, nothing hidden, nothing too complex. The simplicity is appealing... not playing with them adds to their simplicity. They just stand in my display cabinet, frequently admired visually, occasionally posing for photoshoots... There's something relaxing about doing these individual activities quietly in my room. I think let's not drift too far.
The ups! Good news first. I got HEADHUNTED! Well... as the story goes... I post photoshopped pictures of figures / statues from my collection on my flickr account, and one of the toy manufacturers, Kotobukiya, liked what they saw with a photo I did with their product. Hence I was asked if I would like them to send me samples of upcoming products that they have and in return I'll take photos for them to use. It is a collector's dream come true isn't it? I've agreed so we're working out the arrangements... so until the first Koto statue reaches my doorsteps, nothing is concrete. Still, this is definitely something that brightened my day.
Another good news is I got a cheap 12" Marvel Icons Spider-man from Yahoo Auctions SG today! Picking it up on Sunday...
Bad news... Fluffy, a hamster I got Chet, escaped while we were away. I was quite upset myself when I heard the news from her roommate, so... you can imagine how Chet took it. She's still upset now and I'm not in a good mood too about this thing. Let's hope Fluffy is doing fine by herself, having an adventure.
Got some letters from CPF telling me I owe my dad money, big time. Sigh... Gotta settle this somehow... of course i can pay him by selling away all my toys, but let's not be too drastic :)
To be honest, I'm not sure what lies ahead. Internal crit is over, and so is external crit just a couple of days ago. Job hunting's been a drag... some friends are way ahead, but a majority is looking at a July kickstart... still, things need to be done, like typing up a cv and doing up the portfolio. For external crit, I shrunk my yr 4 panels into A3s, and got them printed on glossy art card. To my surprise they turn out looking quite good, with all the words still readable (only thing is i didn't bother to change the scale of the drawings, but I don't think i will be doing that). I would probably type up my resumé and do the shrinking after coming back from Redang!
Oh Redang! Yep, going to beach getaway. Gone through quite alot of trouble running to Golden Mile once and People's Park twice just to get this trip settled. And finally did. Now just got to pack and get us some ringgits... So I'll be gone just for the wkend!
Brought some toys over to Studio V for a photoshoot with Ervine. Had good fun and learnt some tricks to toy photography and photoshopping. We did G1 Megatron, Optimus for the mechas, and Metal Gear Solid Series 1 and Mecha-hulk for the action figures... It takes great patience and alot of trial and error, but it was certainly quite fun and interesting.
What lies ahead for toys...? Well I was really looking forward to TMNT. After their release, I shall be awaiting for the arrival of Kotobukiya The Dark Knight vinyl statue... It measures 35cm tall, and is super highly detailed. Check out the details, the action pose, the cape, the batsignal base. OMG... this statue is to die for! I'm glad to have preordered it (at the cheapest place I could find), and I'm sure it will look pretty outstanding next to the comic version statue I have (as seen below).
So right now I have started thinking about doing up the resumé and portfolio. Portfolio, well... I was flipping through my A1s (after lugging the huge folder three floors up to my bedroom, I decided that A3s are the way to go), I was kinda disappointed by my previous works, which are pretty much well spread out throughout the 5 years (coincidentally for each year, there is 1 project that I like, and one that makes me wonder what I was doing there and then). Except for thesis year, I am quite happy with the outcome in retrospect, though it was a pain when it was being executed (thankfully my friends were there to support me).
2 people told me that it is only normal to feel that way (to not like ur previous works), as it only shows that you have improved. Then again, like Bobby once said that it gets more and more difficult to design; he was telling us how before getting into architecture sch he can fantasize and draw up towns and cities for people but as the years go by, wow... it sometimes gets painful to design...!
As for really joining the workforce. To be honest I am very intimidated. Not very confident that I can deliver whatever my future employer expects of me (which is something I wonder about too... what do firms expect from fresh grads). I'll try my best and take one step at a time...?
I do want to leave all these things to after Redang + a good thank-you-treat with my aki friends... Till then I guess...