Yes, it is over... Monday, April 28, 2008 |
One of the first things we saw when Chet and I entered her room the day after submission was Movie Jazz holding up this rolled-up-piece-of-paper which read "Yay!!! It's over!" A kind gesture by her roommates Jo and TW. Thanks guys!!! I'm glad it is finally over too. Cool toy!
This submission was horrible. It was the longest and the most stressful one over these five years. Along the way I saw alot of my own weaknesses, as well as those in others. I also saw strength of course, and particularly from one remarkable individual... There are pretty things (love) and ugly things (stress-related outbursts, ego-ism?) going on. Things do turn sour and sore... Then again, it doesn't matter. We all pulled through!
This submission also affected alot of other people... I wish I had the strength to keep it cool and take things by the reins all by myself but I couldn't. As a result, pulled quite a number of people to suffer along with me, even small things like going back at unearthly hours count. So I appreciate those who tolerated my nonsense over the past month :)
And those that helped me directly... You're saints. Couldn't have done it without you guys. From these friends I found strength to work. Sometimes they seem to have more faith in the scheme than me. Really really, thank you... Must treat u all to a good meal!
The crit was okay. If you choose to believe what you hear that's your business lah... I learnt that there is selective hearing amongst people, myself included. It's almost like the class 95 tv ad you know? or was it by another radio station...?
Anyway, this crit and what happened during and after submission actually made me doubt my character for awhile. The conclusion is the same ol': think less, do what you think is right, other people want to say then... what to do?
What lies ahead is unknown :) Right now I'm busy slacking and... TOY HUNTING!
Realized the last time I posted toy photos here was eons ago. Hence, here's catching up on some old toys (i dug out to photoshoot and archive) and new toys (i just bought): These here are the 8 leading characters from Metal Gear Solid, a game on the first Playstation. I remember playing it while I was in JC. These figures are almost 10 years old (released 1999), a collaboration between Mcfarlane toys and Konami. They come super detailed with limited articulation. To top that, they came with tons of accessories! Simply love them... Never played MGS2: Sons of Liberty, hence I can't appreciate the figures as much... But MGS1, hell yeah!
Below are some other misc purchases that I bought from cheap cheap GnB sale quite some time ago... They are quite recognizable icons lah, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Catwoman (in purple jumpsuit! NICE!), Huntress and Darkseid:
Since KX asked about my msn pic, must showcase him here! This is Mcfarlane toy's Movie Maniacs Series V Terminator Endoskeleton 6" figure... It is 6" but highly detailed with a nice black wash and working pistons! But if anyone wants to buy I'll recommend the Hot Toys 12" version. It's as JX says, toy like this, shd get a bigger scale and you'll appreciate the details better. Well... not if you got space constraints like me (not to mention a limited budget).
Officially the exams are not over cuz there is still an external crit to worry about... Sigh... also must set aside time to tie up all those loose ends like photo-editting and resume making and portfolio organization. Going to Redang soon too, as for Hokkaido it's put on hold -.-"
Looking forward to picking up my Iron Monger action figure later... It's from the Ironman movie line. Ironman the movie is going to hit the big screen in a few days! Something not to be missed!