Recently gotten Cyke, posed him with Colossus and did a Sideshow X-men vs Sentinel set-up. I remember standing outside Simply Toys at Suntec just staring at the statue through the glass display for... i won't say hours but, for long. Then when this Cyke was introduced I couldn't wait to take a photo that mimics the Sideshow statue. Now that it's done, I felt quite happy... The actual statue below. Hell, how can you ever compare action figures to statues... Like JX says, he's ready to exchange all his action figures for the Ironman statue... haha, I'm not ready to do that but my point being they are two different levels of collectibles.
I posted the pic on SGC first, then on Fwoosh. The reaction was more than encouraging... Well until tonight at least, a fellow SGCollector posted a comment "this is not a photography forum". I know it's not directed at me, but at someone else who posted in enquiry of photography / photoshopping tips (or at me maybe)... I'm not sure about posting pics now, maybe just privately here and on my flickr. Haha... I'm also not sure about why I feel so compelled to take photos of the plastic I buy... It's my way of sharing something I like I guess. But sometimes I wonder what people think when I post photos that are editted online... 'this ass clown is such a show-off'...? I'm sure some, if not a majority, do think that. Shit I'm thinking too much. Haha, this probably shdn't even affect me so much. They're just plastic ya? Chill...
Still, something exciting ended in the dumpster -.-" When you think that something's great / going well, there are surprises in stall for you, always... so don't get over confident.
It happened today in studio as well. Last week for crit I thought I presented my issue, program and choice of site with logic well supported by evidence. The panel was quite encouraging too. Today for guest critic, however, I was put on the spot and made to think twice about the site. Which is a good thing of course, a fresh perspective. Sigh... Ups and downs, and all the small things.
Finally, passed Final Theory Test! The practical test date is 4 Feb, 0730 warm-up, 0830 driving test. A bit worried, but that's like quite far away... Anyway 4 Feb is 2 days before CNY eve (reunion dinner on 6th I think) so, maybe tester holiday mood, testee pass driving test? Testee! So Mario in Hwachong. Remember one morning Mario was making an announcement on the bridge after assembly? "Would all the testees for the NAPFA test please assemble at the flag pole after the assembly?" Had a good laf at the sound of that word, and at the "what's so funny" clueless expression on our dear Mario.
Recently heard that a couple of my friends are getting married / proposed / planning to buy HDB together. Err... I guess I'm happy for them, but I'm not too sure why I'm not as excited as I should be. Probably because I haven't really been keeping in touch with these friends...? But congratulations boys and girls :) Do spare me the "when's your turn" k?
Atmosphere in studio is building up I guess... Submission for 5421 assignment's around the corner. When I look around, almost everyone is working on it. We made some progress today, but... man I think we shd be faster. Hopefully can submit in time.
Driving lessons burnt a big hole in my pocket, especially after blowing a good $156 on the Final Practical Test. $156! This number, I believe... will one day strike me a 4D 1st price.
Oh now listening: James Blunt - All the Lost Souls album. Apart from 1973 I quite like the rest of the songs in the album. Particularly 'Annie', 'I can't hear the music' and 'One of the brightest stars'...Nice~!
天黑黑 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 |
Yesterday was at site just before it poured...! A pan of the impending storm. Damn ominous... reminding me of the load of problems with the site and program. Though I think that the issue is more or less there partly because of the dissertation, I know it's gonna come back and haunt me once I delve deeper into it. As for the site, I think I'm gonna build something here for thesis. The district is chosen but the location, still thinking about it. My ideal site didn't get approved largely because the Masterplan 2003 has huge plans for it... huge plan, huge plot ratio, and different landuse. So... I wonder how am I going to challenge the Masterplan... But I'll think about it.
Anyway who says NUS doesn't have facilities for their Masters students? Was allocated this work station (yea allocated, not given a choice of where you wanna sit in the DDS) and I'm thankful I'm at a pretty good corner of the whole room. The DDS space is very important, cause it means I've got my own space in sch and don't have to worry about finding an empty desk / bench or if it gets too hot and stuffy elsewhere at 3am in the morning...
Ready to work... I guess... Sigh.

Fun at TRU Vivocity... Heh.

NUS aki dept staff walks along the year one studio, happen to find a couple of tables vandalized by spray paint, decides to grab a digital camera and take a photo, then mass-mail to the entire cohort to complain about the misdeed...
Sometimes when an aki student rushes for submission, he doesn't really think straight... Surely all of us can relate to that. Still, this sort of vandalism cannot be tolerated. Even Michael Fay took a couple of strokes on his sorry arse for it. I say yes, the punishment is just: admit your mistake and clean the mess up.
Remember noobs, the spray paint area is just outside the student lounge area...
So what's been going on the past week after returning from KL? Well, getting soaked in the rain at the foot of Petronas Towers that night sort of triggered a fever which lasted 3 days, followed by diarrhoea which lasted another 3. It was horrible. Never had any diarrhoea in my life persisted so long. Sianz... Now just as I was about to sit down and get started with thesis, there's an AR5421 test coming up next Monday that I have to worry about.
Thesis how? Don't ask me, cause I really have very vague ideas of what to do. While I want to continue with my dissertation research and bring them into a design, I don't want to be too restricted by it. Thoughts are going through my mind of what to do... just gotta get my arse down to doing it I guess...
Tomorrow go T3, but cannot take photos. Maybe sketch some stuff? Hmmm... Herh herh herh...!