I was lucky to be able to follow the yr 4 DTM studios on their KL fieldtrip to visit some places of architectural interest. I've never been to Kuala Lumpur, or at least, even if I did it must've been when I was a kid as I don't have any memory of the place. Anywayz, the trip was pretty enriching and informative. We went to quite a number of buildings, starting with the LEO, or Low Energy Office. There was a tour and presentation, if interested an get the slides from me. I got take the photograph of the important slides (jhee kiasu~!).

The itinerary included a visit to the Petronas University of Technology, designed by Foster and Partners. It's pretty nice, very impressed by the library, of how the bookshelves are stacked on one another with suspended walkways leading to the books. Also got a presentation on the construction of the university...

We were sponsored a ride on the Malaysian Eye. It's a trend yea? Every self-respecting city would have a huge ferris wheel called the eye or flyer. This one is not particularly massive in size but impressive nontheless. Got a good view of the city but it was drizzling so the glass was quite blurry. Still an experience to remember...

The Petronas Towers! It's really a gleaming beacon of the city. And I swear we were lucky to be able to take that group shot cuz only 3 minutes after the flash went off it poured! We had to rush back to the hotel... Then... on the 3rd and last day we visited a couple of houses. Hard to describe what they meant here, but while we were there I really appreciated what the architects were doing and hope that one day, I can follow their footsteps and build my own house too!
Guess how much money I spent? 80rm!!! I thought it was quite cheap lah. On the 1st night kelvin and I went toy hunting. But, sigh, it was such a waste of time. Not that we didn't see any, it's just too expensive! More expensive than Singapore, so really no point... The food was damn cheap and plentiful though. Overall i enjoyed the trip, though didn't really interact with the juniors. Basically kept to the familiar faces, especially Kelvin. Kampung boys are shy.
Finally! Dissertation is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Submission was today. Sigh. One of the more comfortable submissions time-wise, but... if you ask me about the product I'm still feel as lousy as ever.
The work was done on Saturday morning (didn't sleep on Friday), all the rush so that I could join Chet and Ney and Bee at JB to eat seafood. Bee was nice to offer to drive us around, and even wanted to treat dinner. Lucky... heh...
Anyway JB is... very very messy, dirty... The efficiency of the customs sure is one of a kind too. The food was cheap and tasty though :) Anyway I'm going to KL next week with CKM, who seeing that there is a vacancy in the trip he's organizing for his DTM yr 4 studio, kindly extended the invitation. At first I was quite apprehensive, that I won't know anyone who's going. Later I was relieved to find out that Kelvin's going too! Great we can go and buy toys together.
The itinerary includes: Putrajaya, Zeo & Leo Building (Zero Energy Office), Universti Teknologi Petronas (Foster siah~), and many others -.-" Stay quite zhai hotel too...! Near KLCC hopefully can... get the chance to... buy some... toys...? (my main motive... err, no lah, of course is architecture).
But Architecture aside, took some photos of 2 X-men (Bald Bishop and Astonishing Wolverine) and 1 Hero for Hire (Ironfist): Cool shit!

I've finally decided to go and do braces. Happy as I am to get my mind set on doing it, things haven't been smooth sailing. For a start my dentist seems to be more keen on removing one of them teeth in the lower jaw to ease the crowding that's occuring now. I would certainly want to keep all my teeth and go for the longer process. But he didn't recommend the removal of that tooth for no reason... he told me there's a pit in the gum and it's likely that it won't last another decade. So... an X-ray needs to be done to verify that.
The X-ray. My dentist's clinic is in the heartlands. He asked me to go to this imaging centre in orchard to get the X-ray done. So I called, wanting to book an appointment. The lady said that the machine is down and will call me when it's up and running. Well I received that call yesterday, and so I went down today, only to find out that the machine has spoilt again. So I waited, for 4 hours, until I gave up and left.
Four hours... What was going through my mind in that period of time I really haven't got much idea. It was a mixture of agony, impatience, anger... nothing pleasant.
Then I came home and stare at this pink piece of paper. Whose bright idea was it to make the students write a proposal for all three arteliers? A certain J. And did that J consult the rest of the tutors? No. He was the coordinator, he saw it fit to do things his way, he thinks he's so smart. Sigh... Why complain when I'm gonna have to write it anyway.
The only thing I'm looking forward to is Friday. 8 years we've been together... can you imagine? Still, this must be one of the more depressing moments of my short quarter of a century.