Have you checked urs? Hope you did well. I haven't, so don't ask. Shall just wait for the snail mail to come. I love living in denial... Sigh... You know what I'm talking about I hope.
Studying for Basic Theory. Test on Monday -.-"
Gonna get my E65 on 16th June. As the story goes (read "inconvenient truth"), I was hoping my VS6 could trade in a decent value enuf to save me some cash for my new dream phone nokia E65. But, sadly, it only commands a $30-50 now. So what to do? As I was about to give up hope, my Starhub bill came in and I realized that I have enuf points to get a $50 voucher. Hmmm... Then I checked my Dad's Starhub cable TV bill, and guess what? He has enuf points for 2 $50 vouchers (but I only exchanged one... Paiseh lah). HMMM... And I called Starhub, and they said they are more than happy to sponser another $50 off for renewal of plans, as a reward to a loyal customer. HMMMMMM!!!
So there you go, I have $150 worth of discount for my next handset. But alas, one of the voucher's expiry date is 19th June. Phone deals usually emerge on Saturdays. Hence, I'll probably get my phone on the 16th... and hopefully by then, the $498 (which has dropped to $458 recently), will further drop to a $408 or more...

Akatsuki is complete! Well sort of... I only finished the backpack for atmospheric battles. The space one w/ dragoons not yet build. But I was kinda anxious to see the final form... So there. It's the best no-grade 1/100 kits I've built so far.Dissertation preparation aside, I did a simple design for a simple display-cum-wardrobe cabinet for my room... The plans for the IKEA display cupboard has blown, cuz my mom came into my room the night before I wanted to go get it and told me that it is ugly... Sigh. So after deciding to custom make one instead of getting an off-the-shelf, mom and I went around getting quotations for the custom-made wardrobe. We settled at $2200... IKEA would've cost me $1500-1800... Let's hope everything turns out fine so by middle of June, me toys and clothes will have a new home, and I can dispose off those chunky old furniture in my room to free up some space.NDP balloting is up. Have you tried for it? Submitted my whole family's particulars... Hope will dio~!
Where has dissertation preparation brought me to? Sigh... Ever been to the most ulu part of Singapore? I've actually passed by this place several times (and by several, I mean super alot of times... like 70 times? hmmm...) because I was posted to Sungei Gedong Armour Camp for my NS. But I've never been inside before... So wat's this Thow Kwang Pottery Jungle about?

Well, it is a temporary structure made from re-used old timber. It is temporarly, because the land could be taken back by the gah-men anytime. So to build something cheap with the material at hand would prove to be the most economical solution. Designed by Yang Pow Sing... I would say that the pottery easily outshines the architecture, but I do agree it has its own certain aesthetics. Well, it is a sustainable solution I guess... to reuse materials for construction.
Guess meeting the dissertation tutor once a week is a good thing... It forces you to work, well, once a week :) Continue to work on Akatsuki now... no progress since last post... Hoho.
Spider-man 3 Saturday, May 12, 2007 |

A bit late but caught Spider-man 3 finally with Chet and my brother, at THE Cathay. It was good lah. I hope all those who watched caught Stan Lee's cameo... Remember that part when Tobey Mcguire was looking at the electronic board flashing "Spider-man to receive key to the city...", an old man appeared beside him and said "It's amazing what one man can do..."? Well, that's Stan Lee for you. It is amazing indeed, what one man can do. Think of the Marvel universe he constructed... Sigh, green with envy. Below are pics of the FF publicity set up in Cathay!

Anywayz earlier on, in Orchard NLB, while I was looking thru the cabinet of comics, an SMS came... Then the small little kid next to me said, "No using handphone in the library." Then I said, "Yea yea, listen up bub. Mind your own business u little fat punk. You got balls until u get kicked in the balls." Of course I didn't say that... I just politely nodded at him before he scooted off. To be told off by a minor... Sigh.Then at Plaza Sing, we bumped into Yang Feng, who was on his way to Spotlight I think. He was carrying an Art Friend bag of stuff and he said he was going to build a puppet. Way to go man. I recalled having a conversation with him in Engine canteen about him wanting to "build things", and about his amazement with robots / human anatomy / etc. Good to get down to doing things you wanna do. That's "enjoy life" for you I guess...The hunt for a Marvel Legends 5 Silver Surfer has begun. The Hasbro reissue turns out to be a disappointment, simply because they simplified the original action figure by using pegs instead of a magnetic strip, and releasing it as a wal-mart exclusive in the states. This sucks cuz it'll mean people bringing them in will charge for shipping costs too... Sigh. But the trouble with hunting past action figures is that they are so hard to come by, and everyone seems to be holding on to theirs with the upcoming FF movie... But still hopeful... Anyone wants my MOSC ML6 Juggernaut? Readers of this blog get it cheap... $5 discount, so $75 will do. Anyone??Talk about Action Figure sales. Remember in one of my previous posts I was rambling about having a chance encounter with variant figures and selling them on eBay? Well I really went to do it and made some money outta it... But the profits went straight to an 11-Cathay-movie-tickets-for-$80 bundle that me and Chet decided to invest in. Quite worth it lah, considering they are charging extras for weekends, for blockbuster movies, and for watching new release movies in the first week. Remember when a movie only costed $6.50? Hohoho... That was slightly after the policemen quit wearing shorts. ;)
Bet alot of us are fans of the popular tv series Lost. Chet and I've watched the 2 seasons but yet to start on Season 3. In anycase, if you guys are interested in the series, you'll probably be happy to know that Mcfarlane Toys (guy who brought u Spawn) has sculped 6 figures according to the tv series, complete with a secret item (a life-size item, like for example Charlie comes with a Drive Shaft ring that he wears in the show), a diorama base, and a voice box (press a button, the box will play a recorded voice clip of the character. Cheesy i know... -.-"). And you'll be happier to know, that Takashimaya has the figures on clearance. 1 for S$10. Who can resist? I grabbed Locke, Hurley and Charlie, who I think bear the closest resemblance to the characters in the show in terms of face sculpt. Below are the pictures. Mcfarlane's team did a good job sculpting. And for $10 u get all those gadgets mentioned above, think very value for money...

Also got Yellowjacket from the recently released HML2 series. Fans of Civil War should find this scene familiar... Stark, backed by Pym and Richards, leads the pro-registration camp against Captain America! Here the alliance is formed.
Staying home on wkdays is good cuz can play with XR. Brought him to my room to play. He's got a particular affinity to the Doraemon clock that my studio bought me as a gift from Ningbo (missed the fieldtrip cuz of exchange!). I let him choose between Doraemon and Hurley...

... at first he chooses Doraemon, then he abandons both and decides that he still likes to open and close the old cupboard in my room and play with its keys... Hmmm... cute but weird haha. Can see how messy my cupboard is... anywayz, think it's my luck to have such an adorable little nephew, and also his luck to have an uncle full of toys! hoho~
Wireless connection is kinda screwed up lately. Dunno if it is the card or the linksys wireless router at home. Sign in properly and use halfway will kena kicked out. When I try to connect to my home's wireless network, it simply says "unable to"... damn knn. Com wiz-es out there pls tell me how to prevent this. It only happens on peak hours like 2000-2300 at night. During the day all seems fine... Sigh. Dunno why.
Bling Bling! Saturday, May 05, 2007 |
Started work on Bandai no-grade 1/100 Akatsuki!!! Pilot is of course Neo Lorrnoke (Mwu la Fraga)... Refuse to acknowledge the presence of Cagalli Yula Athha. It is a kewl kit, cuz of all the shine from the gold plating. You would think that the moment u clip off the parts you will see the uncoated plastic knob on the surface and the whole Gundam will be littered with them. But no! Bandai was so damn smart to attach the parts on the underside / hidden surfaces so that all exposed (uncovered) gold coating would not be tainted! Dunno wat I'm talking about right... Get the kit and start working on it!!!
Comes with Oowashi pack (dragoon system for space usage) and Shiranui Pack (almost like aile strike pack, for atmospheric usage). Way cool! Too bad it didn't come with effect parts for the dragoons... if not will be much better.
Dissertation presentation didn't exactly go well, but got some direction as to how to narrow the scope down. And it was such an eye-opener to see wat the other people did. Particularly Shunjuan's monsoon window technical studies. It was a jaw dropper. Only 2 words for her... JHEE PIAH!