The musical was incredible. Totally enjoyed ourselves today, Chet, mom, KW and I... To begin with the sets were great. Crashing chandeliers, floating angel statue-cum-platform on which the Phantom sang... and of course the music. I'd love to go again! But of course for a poor soul like me the movie DVD is the next best thing.
So why "keep your hand at the level of your eye?" It was the only part that bugged me cuz I didn't understand. Why did Madame Giry give Raoul such a warning before sending him down the tunnels? Well turns out that the Phantom uses a weapon called the Punjab Lasso, which strangles people and is lethal! So if u put ur hand at the level of ur eye, naturally when the lasso coils around ur neck, it will catch ur hand as well and u won't suffocate!
It was a truly magical afternoon...
Before all the sad stuff, here're the more memorable parts of the day... first off we had dinner at Prince. Yes! The Prince @ Coronation Plaza along Bukit Timah Rd. All Hwachong, NJ, NYGS people should know... We ate the "Listen to your parents, spend wisely!" student meal for $6 pax. Meal inclusive of... garlic bread, soup, main course, free drink.
Everything is the same. Coro's like a place caught in time, and so is Prince. Same food, same utensils same table arrangemet and same decorations. Even the auntie's "soft drink take yourself~!" after taking order is the same. Even the DISPOSABLE CUPS are the same...! Incredible. Had alot of fond memories of JC days spent there...

After that walk walk to Serene for Island Cremery. Unlike Coro, Serene's seen much changes. One of its better changes is of course the establishment of this wonderful ice cream parlour. Yummy~!
So wat's the "inconvenient truth"? I've been eyeing on a new Nokia model E65 and was hoping to handset upgrade to it. So the plan is to redeem a $50 Starhub voucher w/ my reward points, then trade in the phone, and top up the rest with cash (expensive phone... now is $498 w/ 2 years plan...) Went to Starhub and found out that my Panasonic VS6 trade in value is only $30 (M1 offers $50 lah). Sigh... That's it. No more E65. I simply cannot afford to throw in another $418 for a phone. So now downgrade to 6288. Also 3G... probably of higher trade-in value lah... next time... Sigh... Sianz 1/2. But it's hard to believe isn't it? That a 2 Mega Pixel flip phone value is only $30 now. It's crazy!
When walking in a ulu ulu Malay toy store I chance upon a variant Quicksilver. First of all, Hasbro Marvel Legends Series 2 (Blob) is not found in Singapore retail yet, well at least it is still rare. And to find a variant is even harder. A quick search on eBay shows no results for a variant Quicksilver. Imagine, buying it at less than $30, then put on eBay and the auction closes at 80 pounds!!! Of course, I didn't buy it there and then. All these scalper-mentality (scalpers are opportunists who buy toys from retail (not distributors) and selling them at a higher price later when there is higher demand and lower supply) are on hindsight. Maybe I will go back and pick up the variant... if it is still there. Really mind boggling...
Nmind. Shall leave all these sianz stuff aside (dissertation prep inclusive) and look forward to Phantom on Sunday. Phantom of the Opera, and I've never entered the interior of Esplanade before. Gonna be an eye-opener. BTW, I'm also a Phantom. During submission period, I was labelled as a Phantom-Boyfriend... Ho~!
Short break from reading all the dissertation stuff... Tony Stark, Goldilocks and Steve Rogers.
About dissertation... Sigh. Borrowed alot of books, but being a slow reader, only read a few articles. Tomorrow must meet tutor. Sigh sigh sigh, dunno how siah -.-"
Truly speaking, is nothing much... Been bumming around and visiting some places that I haven't been to for a long long long time, like 8 months long. Cuz of exchange + a busy design schedule that kickstarted once I came back. It's only till now that I got the time to go walk walk, w/ Chet... who's so patient... ha. Maybe only she'll understand. But thanks for waiting :)
Bugis Junction adpative reuse. Shit lah... Really... Shit lah. I hate adaptive reuse.

This might look totally unappealing to u, but it is food, and pretty good too. From a place that serves soup and free flow bread in Suntec City. We like to go to that place... This bowl here costs $7.50 w/ all-you-can-eat bread, enuf for 2... damn budget! And their bread is not Gardinia k... Good stuff. This is spinach chicken soup. Yummy~~~ Got chance should try.
Walk finish Suntec and Marina Square, take a stroll along Esplanade bay. A stitch from a series of photos taken from the camera phone... which i intend to change... aiming Nokia E65. From Nokia, to Sony Ericsson, to Panasonic, and finally back to Nokia. Full circle. Anywayz, ya, Esplanade. Good place to hang out, things we've been missing out... good things in SG. And turning ur head a good 180 degrees you'll see the uncompleted "SG Eye", still with steel reinforcements.

Also catching up w/ my favourite past time... take photos of my toys! Recently restarted on action figures too... Retook some old figures and my newly acquired Mephisto. Mephisto leh... think most of the readers of this blog now are not old enuf to know that Mephisto was one of my first few alias... hoho, machiam superhero. I quite like him lah... Of course Marvel won't go and do a rendition of God in their universe... but they did a devil and named him Mephisto. Below him is Modern Armour Iron Man. Cool shit!

And of course... catching up w/ friends. Met up w/ CM, ZM, YS, YH, Matt today... a late celebration for CM's b'day. Shared a hat for him. and he looks damn cool wearing it. Here's wishing YS good luck for his yr-out!!! Can't really talk much about WOW. Sigh... it was like that for DOTA too. So... used to it hohoho.

"Apparently, justice, in Singapore, is a very alien subject."
--- Unknown
Disappointments again. No more next time...
Design's over, but got some loose ends to tie, like RM1 critical review... grrr... before that here is Thor in Civil War. Damn seh if u ask me... Have u read the series? If not, don't... The art is fantastic but the storyline is only so so... Some even calls the series "Civil Bore"... Ha...
Read the Ultimates instead. Good shit!