Old-school animation Sunday, March 25, 2007 |
On Revelation... Friday, March 23, 2007 |
"Revelation. The most important thing in design, is to see the light at the end of the tunnel... and pray that it is not an oncoming train."
20 more days... Monday, March 19, 2007 |
...to submission. Super bad mood day today. Tutor bad mood. Go see him, come out, I also bad mood. But pls hor... things like the tutor being too busy to meet the students on a studio design day, if he mentioned it in the previous session, we must really spread the word around the whole studio. I didn't know, and I'm not the only one who didn't know. Then what? All go sch and wait?
Don't ask me what I want from you. What I want is a student - tutor working relationship. By that it means you hear what I got to say, hear what I got to ask, and give a response. Response is not meaning to ask me back what I want!!!??? This is crazy.
By that I do not mean that the sessions today were totally useless. Still got constructive suggestions.
How to "infect"...? I shall try to "infect".
I know... stay cool right?
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering!"
Wkend Starto~! Friday, March 16, 2007 |
Siam-ed early from Thursday's design studio! Well, not really early lah, but on-time :) Bro picked Chet and I up to Sis's place for dinner so we could play w/ XR! He's showing signs of improvement at walking. Now just have to hold one of his hands... Right hand easier than left hand for him -.-" Very soon he'll be able to walk around loh! Then is climb stairs haha...
After Sis's place we headed to J8 to pick up my new spectacles (Reebok frame + super-thin lens costed me mom a good $280... lucky can claim!). But from the multi-storey carpark we can see Look Architect's new Bishan library... Buay pai lah... Literal metaphorical concept though. Sure kena slam by Bobby. Haha...

We had lunch there. Food standard is same as the on at Queensway, only the restaurant got much bigger and spacious, which is good lah then won't be constantly overcrowded. What I liked more was the warehouse where you pick up the packed furnitures before the customers check out. I liked how people were made to walk through the towering shelves of pre-packed self-assemble furnitures before leaving the building... Haha...

XR in da house! Tuesday, March 13, 2007 |
Now every morning wake up at home... can play with Xianrong. Go home before 9pm, can play with Xianrong... SO FUN!!! He is a drooler / crawler / mumbler / destroyer / biter! Will get even more fun when he learns how to walk i guess... can't wait! Hiakz :)
Sneaked off studio at 6pm to go Vivocity on Monday. We ate at BK lah... then walk walk around. The last time around when I went to Vivo with some friends, we went to a restaurant called 2Hot. Here are my 2cents: do not go to that restaurant. I repeat, do not. Unless you have no tastebuds that is. The food took a long time to come. First we ordered. There were 6 of us... 3 of my friends' first orders were "not available", according to the waiter. That means only 6 of 9 dishes were available. Food is equal or lousier than nasi padang you get in a school canteen, charged at 800% more. Portion is equal or lousier than nasi padang you get in school too. Sucks right? That's not the end of it... we ordered, and waited. 15 minutes later the waiter returned to tell us that we need to wait another 30 minutes. Cool shit. So please, do not go to this restaurant called 2Hot. It sucks!
Yum yum at Harbourfront Coffee Club after Vivo. Muddy Mudpie! Ever tried to make your own? We're pretty sure it is possible lah... just like it is possible to make a cuppa ice earl vanilla. Will try one day...
ML5 Silver Surfer Re-ish! Sunday, March 11, 2007 |
If you collect ML, and if you visit http://www.marvelousnews.com for your news of Marvel comics and action figures, then you must be as overjoyed as I am over the recent official confirmation of release of a ML5 repaint: Silver Surfer! Boy was I overjoyed to hear this news. Particularly since I was hunting high and low for it. I recall asking a seller from Yahoo Auctions SG some time back to sell it at $45 since it was loose complete (not even carded mind you), and he refused to budge from his $80 starting bid. If he does not want to sell, it's fine. But he even gave a sarcastically smug remark saying "wah, if somewhere is selling for $45, please inform me as I am also interested." Can you imagine the anger I felt reading that remark, and the joy when I saw this news? Sell for $80 lah! Ka-pui! Boy was I glad I didn't make any purchase prior to this news. Guess I got the last laugh you idiotic punk!
This limited edition is quite an improvement from the old (see pic below). Well, for starters, the blue tint that was found all over SS is now removed, as Hasbro has gone for a pure silver coat. Well, if you ask me SS still isn't bling bling enuf (he is chrome in the comics lor... you could see his own face's reflection on his shoulders one!), but alas, it's good enuf. Another thing I noticed is that the magnetic strip used for the board (a brilliant design by Toybiz!) is now concealed within the board rather than being exposed on the top surface! Hope the released figure is identical to the pics, right down to these details. Don't fail me now Hasbro. It's when I hold this figure in my arm when I can laugh at that particular Yahoo! seller with all my heart.
All photos courtesy of http://www.marvelousnews.com
Lost... Tuesday, March 06, 2007 |
Tutorials for AR3323 finally started. Got an e-mail after CNY asking us to go meet Dr Lim GT. He treated us tea, went thru the tutorial questions with us and we're set to "guide the juniors in doing the tutorials". Can't emphasize enuf that we are not there to teach, but facilitate. K lah, it was fun... Ganjiong and gabra all the time, not as steady as YH and Matt (never see Elita teach yet, maybe next week). Today I had my 2nd class, and tomorrow me 3rd! Not looking forward though -.-"
Crazy cat prancing along the end wall behind my house. Mind you the wall is easily 9m tall. And it's not the first time he's doing it. Jhee weird. Jhee estrangement.