Laptop crashed Saturday, October 28, 2006 |
Dear friends and family... The laptop crashed. Won't be updating for some time. It is not a software problem, cuz i formated c:/ and was installing windows halfway when the BSOD appeared... U know... Blue Screen of Death. Sent for repairs, but the shop says if it is not a memory problem (harddisk or ram), they cannot help me.
Let us pray...
Truely depressed. Confused with the numerous ups and downs over the past few days. But now it's really going down down down...
Finally received the parcel my family sent me today! Seems like I always have problems when it comes to Dutch administration. The 1st day the parcel arrived (Tuesday), I was not in. So I received a coupon in my mailbox saying that I was not present and they will deliver it the next day. I won't be in my hostel the next day too so I called them and changed the address to Craig's as I will likely to be there. On Wed I waited the whole day, no package. Called them and they told me that they delivered it but it was declined by receiver! Apparently they sent to the neighbour's door as the house is split into 2 and there are 2 doors with the same number (more Dutch weirdness). Naturally the neighbour turned it down since it wasn't his.
Then the story got more absurd. I called them on Wednesday night and the operator told me the parcel was scheduled to be shipped back to Singapore (cuz declined by recipient)! I screamed at them and told them that there was just a simple confusion and made them deliver it. Finally today I got it (Friday freeday, stay in hostel to wait for it to come!).

I have a red ugly dog! Haha... Kewl stuff! And a new Creative Muvo 512mb MP3 player. So happy! The MP3 player i brought here was busted. Life is going to be better with music on the roads!!! Thanks MZ and Father and everyone who remembered (especially HH who wrote a song! Hmmm... trying to figure out how to blog it. It's a hilarious song about his delusions of himself being my top 2 friend!) Below is a mini flyer to publicize the public crit for our dear friend Olaf, a local student who helped us international students alot (think of him as a Dutch Minghui). It's his graduation crit, and his friends and family will all be there to listen to his final presentation. Way cool. Too bad we can't be around as we will be heading for London on that day. Well, here's wishing you all the best Olaf! I've seen the design. Won't give anything less than an A+++!
Laundry time Tuesday, October 17, 2006 |
It seems like there are too little washing machines and dryers provided for the 100+ residents living here in Marcushof... I was lucky that when I got down the washing machines were empty but the dryers were in use. I used the card to pay 2 Euros for the wash, took note of the duration, and went back to my room. When the time is up, I went down only to find that my clothes were already taken outta the washing machine by someone else... sigh, damn ganjiong. I wanted to use the dryer for my washed clothes but it was in use. So I thought, wat the heck... I'll save the 1 Euro and just hang dry it in my room!
Been really busy lately, as there is a presentation on the 25th October. Sighz... It's not that I've forgotten about it being s/u but... I just can't do a pissed poor job. I don't think I'm a perfectionist nor am I that professional as a student... Sigh, dunno why... just hoping that we do a good job!
Hee... showed Chet some presents I got her from Berlin... Well, it is the home of Birkenstocks, so it is cheaper there in Berlin. Also a pair of cute minimalistic elephant sculptures that were hand sculpted by the seller at the flea market :) neat stuff! Hee... click for bigger image: